World Cultures United has visited the Neighbor Community APV Generación 2000during the second visit to the land of the Incas in 2016.

This community suffer the lack of primary needs like water management, accessible roads, etc. We have interviewed Andrés Llalla, fiscal and member of the APV Generación  2000 and actor of the theater group in Quechua led by professor and journalist Lucho Castro of the Asociación Cultural Q´Ente.

agualimpia-jesusThe interview is in spanish (subtitles coming soon). In this video, Andrés is explaining the situation in his community, which lacks to clean water access is causing serious problems in their daily life (illnesses included). He tell us about the municipality plans regarding the new communities that, during the last years, are being built in the periferia of Cusco city. Thanks to theatre, the community is inspired to fight for their rights and expose their problems through theatre performances.

WCU has witnessed their problematic situation during our visit to the community, including Andrés own home and attended their theatre performance “Queremos agua limpia” (“We want clean water”), at Casa Garcilaso in Cusco, november 2016.

WCU has interviewed Andres with the intention of publicizing the social problems and the need for support that the community has for basic needs such as water management, accessible roads, etc.

Motivated by the words of Andrés and the theater performance “We want clean water”, where the group of community members (including children) exposed their problem about water management, we invite everybody who watches this video to promote and disseminate the content of this page and video-interview.

We are truly grateful for meeting Andrés and being invited to visit his community. We also support his beautiful and detailed sculpture art! We wish Andrés and APV Generación 2000  the very best for their present and future!

Together we can help the community to cover their basic needs and grow together!

This cause is supported by:
– Ernesto Zulliger, fundador de Porvenir Peru:
– Lucho y Tania Castro, fundadores de la Asociación Cultural Q´Ente:
Asociación Q´Ente en Facebook
– Vídeo, edición y fotografía de World Cultures United:
Instagram: #worldculturesunited
Facebook: worldculturesunited
E-mail: worldculturesunited@gmail.com