Letters to the World in Hægeland

In July 2017, WCU was invited to arrange a workshop and exhibition at Huldrekunst Festival in Hægeland, South of Norway. 

Thanks to Stina Ravdna Lorås from Draug Produksjoner for inviting and supporting this activity during Stina´s 40th anniversary.

This weekend festival took place in a family farm with different guests artists, friends and families, featuring concerts, creative activities with children, painting and sculpture exhibitions, local food, delicious homemade food and the magic of the norwegian nature surrounding us.

We exhibited all hundreds of messages collected until then and all participants were curious about this project, reading and contributing with making new ones in norwegian and english, wishing us good luck ahead. Adults, children and youth gave us really inspiring quotes and words to share with all of you. Thanks to Sigbjørn Hessa helping with the pictures.